Our Role as ‘Caretakers’
If you are a collector, at any level; either a beginner, or more accomplished, you are not just ‘an art buyer’, you are someone with an extremely important role in the future history of art; a caretaker of sorts.
Let me tell you why.
A large proportion of our love of art in society, stems from history – from getting glimpses into the past through the artwork of those who went before us; when a picture actually said a thousand words, when our fascination with new designs, patterns and shapes was often reflected in (or, often, influenced by) the architecture and art of that period, when pivotal moments in history and religion were recorded by the masters of their time – and not just snapped and shared online.
Featured Painting: ‘Seamus’ by contemporary artist Adam Pomeroy.

We remembered our heroes with statues and our ancestors with portraits and it was ART that helped to show us what every aspect of life was like all those years ago, from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the very sad to the sickeningly happy; giving us a sneak peek, in sometimes an almost voyeuristic manner, of times gone past.
Those very pieces of art made it through decades and in some cases centuries; passing through the hands of various caretakers, generation after generation, whose careful handling meant that we get to enjoy them today.
As individual domestic buyers, collectors and dealers, we all play an important role here. Okay, investment is a definite factor, of course, because of value-added, but it is important to remember that art buyers are first and foremost, art lovers. The knowledge that a piece is unique; that someone of immense talent has put their time, their blood, sweat and tears and most importantly, their genius, into this piece of work and that now, is yours – and only yours – until you decide what to do with it – is quite exhilarating.
Contemporary artists are up and coming, exciting, trailblazing even – and are evolving right in front of your very eyes. Through their art, you are accompanying them through their various phases; their highs and lows, their relationships, their nostalgic moments, their dark periods. You – the art buyer – are now relying on your love of art (and your gut instinct) to propel you through that buying process – and that is most exciting.
A burgeoning sense of pride appears, as we all like to display our art collections – from the humble pieces to the expensive – from the tamer to the abstract – and we will happily talk at length about them all when asked.
The prospect of being the current caretaker of these pieces of work that will hopefully continue to grace walls or sideboards long after us, is weirdly exciting and enticing – it is also potentially hugely important to the future ‘history of art’.
Whether it is your instinct for investment, your willingness and interest to work on a collection or simply your love of art, that drives you – your part to play in the ‘future history of art’ should also not go unnoticed – if you buy contemporary art, at any level, you are not just a cultured speculator, you are also an important caretaker for future generations, and quite admirably, a patron of the arts too.