People of the Sea

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People of the Sea



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(58cm) x 26″ (66cm)  – Framed – Acrylic on Board

In the captivating, bold and free style of painting that Danny V Smith excels at, we have this exciting piece of original art, entitled ‘People of the Sea’. Once again, it is Danny’s unparalleled knowledge of colour and confidence in applying the same, that truly elevates this painting.
‘People of the Sea’ is beautifully evocative and for many, will prove to be a nostalgic piece. Smith is fast becoming a highly collectable artist – both for domestic and corporate collectors – and his eye and love for the landscapes and people of Ireland combined with his raw talent, make for a superb artist. We would suggest moving fast on this artist.

Acrylic on Board – Framed – People of the Sea – Colour Palette – Highly Collectable – Danny V Smith –

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