Dreams and Possibilities

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Dreams and Possibilities



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29.5″(75cm) x 29.5″(75cm) – measurements include the frame

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We were thrilled to have secured the work of contemporary artist Mary Rose Keane, whose work has not only begun gaining much traction amongst lovers of art, but also has been making waves in the world of interior design.

Dreams & Possibilities is a bit of a departure ‘style wise’ from the ethereal pieces, Mary Rose usually leans towards. It is the result of the artist herself exploring the idea of combining her love of colour with her interest in abstract work.  Keane’s work always manages to impact both the space and the viewer and this piece is no different. The abstract movements with the combination of both vivid and pastel colours, bring a sense of fun and energy to a space.

Mary Rose is fascinated by how a piece can impact the physical space it hangs in – and she uses everything in her artistic being to ensure that each pieces stirs something within the viewer; be it a feeling, a sentiment or an emotion.

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