Pink Hydrangea

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Pink Hydrangea



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6.5″(16cm) x 8.5″(21cm) – framed oil on canvas original

A superb opportunity to get your hands on a small and truly beautiful, Bairbre Duggan original.

A rather gorgeous depiction in oils of a pink hydrangea in glass vase, with the light hitting it from the side and illuminating the painting from the left.

Depicted in Duggan’s style of deliberate and evident brush strokes, Bairbre handles the colours and light and shade so beautifully.   This is a particularly gorgeous piece of art by the famous Irish artist.

Bairbre Duggan, who paints professionally and lectures in fine art, has work hanging in both national and international private collections.

Supremely Collectable Artist – Irish Contemporary Art – Pink Hydrangea – Framed oil on Canvas – Oil Painting –


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