The Road to Querrin

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The Road to Querrin



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41″(105cm) x 33″(84cm) – measurements include the frame

A beautiful summers evening in West Clare. This painting, skilfully depicts a sun-drenched stretch of road in rural Querrin, on the Loop Head Peninsula, where the montbretia and the purple loosestrife herald the way, lining the ditches and bobbing gently in the breeze; with the Shannon as its backdrop. You can sense the warmth, the gentleness and the silence from this painting. A large piece at 41″ in width, this piece makes such a gorgeous visual impact on the wall – as well as being the perfect excuse to stop in front of it, take in the beauty – and take a breath.

This gorgeous piece, is part of a new collection by this exciting and collectable artist.

Ruth Wood is one of Clare’s most established and celebrated contemporary artists.

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